Getting ready to celebrate
We are busy behind the scenes getting jobs done at the brewery.
On the brew side.
We have laid a new floor in the Brewhouse and Fermenter Room 1. The cask washer has moved to its new home.
On the bar and shop side.
We continue to offer a brewery click and collect and online delivery service.
We are awaiting the government bar guidelines to be released so we can finalise our social distancing measures.
We are busy getting our outside space landscaped so we will have a great beer garden. We will have a new slate cobble wall and seating on the wall. The plant beds will then be planted up to finish off our beer garden space.
On the beer side
We have just received our Thirst Quencher in cans with our new design. This adds to the Thirst Aid and K4 currently in cans.
We have new stocks of our 2 litre growlers ready for beer takeaways.